Facelifts are among the top five most popular cosmetic procedures in the U.S.—and for good reason. Performed by a skilled facial plastic surgeon, they can make a dramatic improvement to your appearance. If you’re considering getting one, however, you’ll soon realize that there isn’t a single standard type of facelift. The sheer number of variations on the procedure can be quite daunting. In this post, we’ll have a close look at what you can expect when you sign up for one!
What Type of Facelift Do You Recommend?
Dr. Siegel is a specialist facial plastic surgeon, and has performed more than 1,500 facelifts over the years. As he gained experience and expertise, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the way most surgeons perform the procedure. A common technique is to “pull” the skin backwards, often creating an unnatural wind-pummeled appearance. In fact, sagging skin is the result of gravity pulling it downwards; it therefore makes more sense to raise it back to its original position.
So Dr. Siegel gradually developed his own trademarked approach, which he calls the vertical Facelift. It’s ideal for people who want to refresh their appearance and restore their youthful looks, without coming out of surgery looking like a completely different person. A natural, youthful appearance—not merely taut skin for its own sake—is what a great facelift can achieve.
What Does It Involve?
Many facelifts take around four hours to complete, but Dr. Siegel’s extensive experience allows him to perform the operation in around 90 minutes under local anesthesia. During this time, he’ll “re-suspend” the muscle tissue, taking care to maintain your natural facial structure. Excess skin will be removed, and subtle incisions will be carefully sealed. Any swelling or discoloration tends to disappear within the first week after surgery, by which time most people rehttps://www.houstonfaces.com/what-does-a-facelift-procedure-consist-of/https://www.houstonfaces.com/what-does-a-facelift-procedure-consist-of/turn to work entirely proud of their results.
What Will Life Be Like Post-Surgery?
The overall effects of a facelift depend on your genetics, skin type, age and lifestyle, among other things. Younger people are more likely to see very long-lasting results, because the extra collagen in their skin holds it in place more effectively. The surgery isn’t designed to make your face look a certain way forever—but it can certainly subtract years from your appearance, and counteract the more unpleasant effects of gravity.
For even better overall results, facelifts can be combined with other procedures. Eyelifts, forehead lifts, and neck lifts are good surgical accompaniments. Non-surgical techniques such as chemical peels or a “vampire facial” (which is less scary than it sounds!) can also yield fantastic results in conjunction with a facelift. Techniques and products have improved dramatically in recent years, and there’s never been a better time to get work done.
Facelifts should be carefully tailored to each individual, and it’s important to thoroughly discuss your expectations with a surgeon before commencing anything. To find out more about how you could benefit from the procedure, contact Dr. Siegel today!