SIEGEL Facial Plastic Surgery


What are the Pros and Cons of a Deep Plane Facelift Plastic Surgery Procedure?

What are the Pros and Cons of a Deep Plane Facelift Plastic Surgery Procedure?

With aging, weight gain, and weight loss, many people experience sagging skin, deep-set lines, and jowls on their faces. The results of these lines make them appear tired and often older than they are. A Deep Plane Facelift helps to eliminate marionette lines, drooping chins, deep-set lines, and excess flaccid skin.

A Deep Plane facelift procedure provides patients with a refreshed, more youthful, and vibrant look. Let’s consider the pros and cons of a Deep Plane facelift.

Pro: A Deep Plane Facelift Delivers Dramatic Results

Traditional facelifts separate the skin from the muscle. The muscles are then pulled. The pulling often creates unnatural results and the windswept appearance associated with ‘superficial’ facelifts.

With a Deep Plane facelift, the tightening process happens deep within the muscles, leaving the skin, muscle, and fat structures undisturbed. The surgeon then manipulates and repositions the facial structures to add volume to the face. Effects from a Deep Plane facelift are profound and long-lasting.

Con: Surgical Risks

As with any facelift procedure, there is some risk of nerve damage from a Deep Plane Facelift, especially since the surgery is more invasive. For an experienced facelift surgeon, the risk of temporary nerve injury is around 1.5%- regardless of the type of facelift performed.

Pro: Long-Lasting Results

Recovery time may vary according to genetics and the patient’s lifestyle, but generally, Deep Plane Facelifts last ten years, whereas traditional facelifts will last five years or less.

Con: Higher Cost Than a Traditional Facelift

While costs will differ by location, surgeon, and level of expertise, the average prices for a facelift range from $10-15,000 nationally.

A Deep Plane Facelift is a more complex and specialized operation. Only a select few surgeons in the United States perform this procedure. Thus, the costs are higher, usually starting at around $19,000.

Pro: Expedited Recovery Time and Less Pain

A Deep Plane facelift requires less skin elevation, as the skin remains attached to its underlying muscular fat compartments. There is less swelling and bruising since fewer blood vessels were injured. Patients experience less pain and usually return to work around 7 days after surgery.

With specialized surgery, you should only hire the most experienced and professional of surgeons. Dr. Siegel has a reputation as the “face go-to guy” because of his ability to translate each patient’s aesthetic vision into natural and balanced beauty. Dr. Siegel thrives on results that look like you- not pulled, uneven, or stretched.

Dr. Michel Siegel is a top facial surgeon in Houston, specializing in facelifts, including deep plane facelift. If you’re in Houston or willing to travel here, Dr. Siegel can help you achieve the look you’ve always want to see in the mirror. Contact our office today.