One of the many misconceptions about facelift surgery is that it’s a pre-determined, standard surgery that makes your skin “tighter.” Although one of the goals is usually to correct sagging skin and muscle, a tightened appearance isn’t always desirable – and often shouldn’t be the goal at all.
So what should you get out of facelift surgery? The result, if done right, should make you look younger, more refreshed, and like a natural, more attractive version of you.
The Vertical Facelift Difference
Over time, even the best cared-for skin can sag as the result of gravity, normal aging, and genetics. When this happens, a person’s face gradually pulls downward. The most prominent area of this sagging and loss of definition is the lower part of the face. Jowls, sagging cheeks, and sagging of the neck area often make us look – and feel – older than we really are.
To reverse these signs of aging, a surgeon’s goal should be to replace the skin and muscles to their original, youthful location, paying special attention to sculpting and defining the lower area of the face and the neck. This involves gently lifting the skin and muscles to a natural and youthful location and not pulling them back toward the ears. Often, correcting this lower portion of the face provides the patient with a natural and beautiful result without the need for further procedures.
There’s a big difference between lifting facial structures and pulling them back. A vertical facelift technique can be the difference between looking over-tightened and simply looking like a younger, fresher version of you!
Faster Recovery is Possible
Many people think they simply don’t have the time to devote to a full facelift surgery and its associated recovery. But this really depends on your surgeon and his or her expertise with facelifts.
A surgeon who has extensive training and years of experience will give you the most desirable outcome without a lengthy recovery. He or she will be able to perform your facelift under local anesthesia and you’ll most likely be back to work within a week. If you choose a facial plastic surgeon who knows how to perform a “mini” facelift with minimal incisions and the least invasive approach while maintaining the best results, you can fit a facelift into a busy schedule.
The surgical technique matters when you’re looking for a quick recovery, too. Your incisions should be strategically camouflaged and bruising and swelling minimized. This helps you get back to your life sooner. Not all surgeons are able to do this, so when you go in for a consultation, be sure to ask them what kind of anesthesia is used, as well as their surgical approach and average recovery. Seeing is believing – so look at plenty of before and after photos to get an idea of whether the surgeon can achieve the beautiful results you deserve.
Don’t Settle for a ‘Standard’ Facelift
Now that you know you can get amazing results from a facelift without the hassle of a long recovery or an artificial look, you don’t have to settle for anything less. Dr. Michel Siegel’s innovative approach aims to restore your youthfulness, not change your face or make you look plastic. His surgical techniques and skilled, careful hand ensure that his patients receive the natural results they want and the convenience they need.
To find out more about how Dr. Siegel can help you look and feel your best, schedule your consultation today!