Types of Nose Surgery

Types of Nose Surgery

Dr. Michel Siegel

Closed Rhinoplasty

A closed rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the appearance of the nose. Incisions are made ONLY inside the nose, rather than on the outside. However, this does cause less swelling than an open rhinoplasty, because the cartilage and bone structures that are sculpted still need to be separated from the skin of the nose.

Open Rhinoplasty

Exactly the same as a closed rhinoplasty, except for one difference: an “external” incision is made in the skin between the nostrils, known as the columella. The swelling and recovery time with this surgery is the same as in closed rhinoplasty. In both types of surgery the skin is separated from underlying cartilage and bone. The advantage of open rhinoplasty is that it provides better exposure to the cartilage and bone structures.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Also known as rhinosculpture or piezo rhinoplasty, is a newer approach that precisely reshapes the nose with new miniaturized instruments developed by Dr. Gerbault in 2013. The traditional approach of “breaking the nose” with chisels and hammers is eliminated. Here, ultrasonic vibration is used to sculpt the bones of the nose.

Preservation Rhinoplasty

This is modern modification of rhinoplasty, and it is offered by a minority of surgeons in the US.  It is designed to restore balance and harmony to the nose by maintaining or “preserving” the supporting tissues of the nose.  Preservation rhinoplasty involves removing and reshaping bone deeper in the bone structure, rather than on the surface of the bone, where it attaches to connective tissues. This does not disturb the skin and connective tissues on your nose bridge the same way a traditional rhinoplasty might, and so a preservation rhinoplasty often results in less swelling and results that appear more natural.

Reductive Rhinoplasty

This type of rhinoplasty reduces the overall size of the nose. It is most often performed on patients who have larger sized noses, or patients seeking the “Barbie” nose appearance.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Patients with fleshy and flat-bridged noses who want a more refined and sculpted appearance may require this type of rhinoplasty. Cartilage is used to sculpt a finer tip and bridge. Adding cartilage makes the nose appear more sculpted.  This approach is also used on patients requiring revision rhinoplasty, because it reintroduces cartilage and bone support that may have been removed in a previous surgery.

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