One advantage of using an experienced plastic surgeon is that you can get results that look completely natural. Rather than looking like another person, or looking artificial, it’s simply an improved version of you!
The surgeon’s dedication to natural results also means that others may not be able to tell that you’ve even had cosmetic surgery. They may be sure you look better than ever – but can’t put their finger on the cause of the improvement.
Today, the stigma of having plastic surgery has all but disappeared. Almost everyone wants to look and feel their best, so getting a facelift or rhinoplasty isn’t frowned upon. But this begs the question: should you tell others that you’ve had plastic surgery?
The Pros of Telling Others
Depending on which procedure you’ve chosen, there may be some recovery time involved. In these cases, telling your close friends, family, and even co-workers about it will help them understand why you need to stay at home and take it easy for a few days. You also won’t have to worry about hiding any swelling or stitches during that initial recovery phase. Many people can go back to work within a few days, and they can get back to their lives without people asking, “What happened?”
Another advantage of telling others is that it allows them to share stories and knowledge with you. You may find that once you open up to someone about your plastic surgery, she decides to tell you about a similar procedure she experienced in the past. Having the support of others who have been through the same experience is helpful in nearly any situation. In other cases, a friend may express his own desire to have plastic surgery as well. Then it’s your turn to be a helpful resource, informing him about how to choose a great surgeon, and telling him what to expect from the procedure and the recovery period.
Many people are pleasantly surprised to find that telling others offers them a sense of relief. You no longer have anything to hide, and you don’t have to worry about friends finding out later and being upset that you didn’t tell them. Besides, many people have at least one aspect of their appearance they’d really like to improve, so they tend to be surprisingly understanding and supportive of your decision.
Keeping Your Surgery a Secret
Of course, telling others about your plastic surgery is not always necessary. People who have more introverted personalities may cringe at the idea of sharing these types of details with the world. Others simply don’t want to reveal the secret to their youthful looks. That’s okay too – it’s a personal decision that only you can make.
Because today’s cosmetic surgery techniques tend to be less invasive than those of the past, you may have an easier time keeping your own procedure under the radar. If you do wish to keep it a secret, be sure to chat with your surgeon about what you can expect after the surgery. Specifically, you should ask how much time you’ll need off from work, and how much time normally needs to pass before your tissue fully heals.
At the very least, you may need to tell a close family member or friend so they can drive you home after the procedure if needed. Not to mention, you’ll appreciate having that extra helping hand – and the emotional support that comes with it – for the first couple of days while you rest and recover.
Plastic Surgery: To Tell or Not To Tell
If you’re considering plastic surgery, don’t worry about whether you should tell others just yet. You can always make that decision later. The best thing you can do, for now, is to discuss your unique needs with a qualified plastic surgeon who can tell you about the procedure and the recovery period. Having accurate information and getting your questions answered is the first step to making an informed, confident decision!
Are you thinking about facial plastic surgery? Get the facts from a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon. Contact our Houston plastic surgery office to request a consultation with Dr. Michel Siegel today!