Preservation Rhinoplasty
Premier Houston Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Michel Siegel
Many people want to get a rhinoplasty to remove a dorsal hump or a “bump” – that is, a nose bridge that is curved downward rather than runs straight. In severe cases, some patients describe that kind of nose as resembling a “beak.”
For the past 60+ years, facial surgeons have tried to flatten the bump by lifting up the skin covering the nose, chiseling off bone directly under the surface of the skin to flatten the hump, and then reconstructing the nose bridge into the desired shape.
That traditional rhinoplasty technique is usually effective, in the sense that the nose no longer resembles a “beak.” But working directly under the tissue like that can have some unintended consequences, usually any of these three:
- The separation of the tissues from the underlying “hump”-shaped bone and cartilage may cause swelling that lasts for years, on and off.
- Bone may develop “callouses” after being cut or filed down.
- Placing cartilage to fill empty gaps after removing the hump may cause the nose bridge to look asymmetrical.
Preservation rhinoplasty is an alternative approach that involves removing and reshaping bone much deeper under the surface, in a way that does not disturb the skin and connective tissues on your nose bridge. In preservation rhinoplasty, typically the initial swelling is not as severe or long-lasting, and the overall recovery time is shorter.
Dr. Michel Siegel is a rhinoplasty specialist in Houston, and offers preservation rhinoplasty as an option – and it’s an increasingly popular one. Consider a preservation rhinoplasty if you are especially interested in minimal pain, no bruising, a short recovery time, and a perfectly reshaped nose that doesn’t look like it ever had surgery.
We look forward to helping you achieve your best look. You can contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. Siegel (in-office here in Houston or over Zoom), check out photos of our preservation rhinoplasty patients here, or read on to find out more about how preservation rhinoplasty works and how it can produce the nose that’s best for you.
Reviews from Preservation Rhinoplasty Patients
Kendall Sheehy
Sabrina Monteiro
Anna Curtis
What Happens in a Traditional Rhinoplasty
In a traditional rhinoplasty, the skin is separated from the underlying bone and cartilage in preparation to remove the hump.

The hump is made up of two components: bone and cartilage. The bone is chiseled off, and the cartilage is trimmed to reshape the bridge of the nose.

After the removal of the hump, an empty space is left, which often makes the nose appear wide and flat.

To create the proper shape after hump removal, the bridge is “reconstructed”: the bones are cut from the side to bring them closer together, which commonly known as “breaking the nose” (the red dotted lines in the figure below) and its top is filed down to smooth out imperfections. The gap left by the cartilage removal is filled in (the yellow pieces in the figure below).

Once the work on the bone and cartilage is completed, and the new bridge has been shaped, the skin is placed back to its natural position.

What Happens in a Preservation Rhinoplasty
Preservation rhinoplasty “preserves” the integrity of the nose and prevents many possible complications by leaving the entire bridge of the nose undisturbed. The cartilage and bony hump are removed from deep under the surface of the nose, which leaves intact all of the connections between the bone, cartilage, and other tissues.
In this illustration of a preservation rhinoplasty for a nose with a small hump – shown below – the bridge of the nose is untouched, and the bony hump is reduced by moving the bone portion of the hump closer to the face (the orange dotted line in the drawing below). Then, rather than cut cartilage away from the surface, the surgeon removes cartilage from below the bridge. That allows the cartilage to move down, and align itself with the new position of the bone.

In a preservation rhinoplasty for a nose with a large hump – shown below – a small segment of bone below the hump can be removed to allow the bony portion of the nose to move closer to the face, bringing the bony hump down with it. The cartilage portion of the hump is also removed from “under” the surface, which then allows proper alignment of the cartilage with the bone, creating a new bridge.

The main difference between a “small” preservation rhinoplasty (one for a small hump) and a “big” preservation rhinoplasty (one for a large hump) is the location of the bone that is removed, rather than how much bone is removed. Removing any amount of bone, particularly deep in the bone structure of the nose, can affect the entire shape of the nose. Because of that, a preservation rhinoplasty takes even more experience and skill than a traditional rhinoplasty takes.
You can contact Dr. Siegel’s office in Houston today to discuss your needs and to see if a preservation rhinoplasty is the best option for you.

Why choose Dr. Michel Siegel for your rhinoplasty?
The success of your nose surgery depends above all on the nose surgeon you pick.
Rhinoplasty is not just another procedure offered by Dr. Siegel: It is his main focus. Dr. Siegel is a nose surgery specialist. He is double board certified by the only two boards certifying nose specialists ( and Those certifications and his 20+ years of rhinoplasty experience, allow him to perform revision rhinoplasty to correct flaws in primary, secondary, and tertiary rhinoplasties.
More developments in rhinoplasty surgery have occurred in the last 15 years than in the previous 100. Your surgeon should be skilled in the best new techniques in nose surgery.
Dr. Siegel is one of the first surgeons in Texas and the country to be trained in Turkey, Europe, and Latin America in advanced surgical techniques for nose surgery. These techniques include ultrasonic rhinoplasty, which avoids breaking the bones as in traditional rhinoplasty, and preservation rhinoplasty, where the shape of the nose is changed by "preserving" the supportive structures of the nose with minimal bone and cartilage removal. This leads to faster healing and natural long-term outcomes in a shorter period.
Rhinoplasty is more than just a surgical procedure. It is a series of personal decisions, followed by a series of medical and aesthetic decisions. Dr. Siegel will work with you every step of the way. You will not be handed off to an assistant or a junior associate. We remain a small boutique practice providing not only exceptional surgical results and personalized care.
Find out even more about why to choose Dr. Siegel, or contact us to discuss your perfect look.