After Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
Premier Houston Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Michel Siegel
What can I expect after surgery?
Rhinoplasty surgery often comes with associations like black and blue eyes, swelling, nasal packing, and discomfort during recovery. Luckily, that’s not the case after your Ultrasonic rhinoplasty with Dr. Siegel. Instead of breaking the nasal bones, we’ll gently sculpt them using an Ultrasound device, minimizing trauma compared to traditional methods. Plus, we won’t be using internal packing, which means no more pressure or painful symptoms that often come with traditional rhinoplasty.
You can look forward to a much smoother recovery than you might expect! Most patients say it feels like having a mild cold with some nasal congestion for about 3-5 days. While you might notice a bit of external swelling after the surgery, when we remove your splint around days 6 to 10, you’ll see that the swelling from Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is also significantly less than that from regular procedures. Many patients feel ready to go out in public in no time!
Here are some general guidelines on what to expect:
Tylenol with codeine (or equivalent if allergy to codeine exists), or plain Tylenol is generally always sufficient for pain control. It is very unusual to have severe pain after Ultrasonic rhinoplasty. Most patients report mild pain for the first 24-48 hrs, and nasal congestion for the first 3-5 days after surgey.
A significant increase in pain after 48 hrs. This period should prompt you to call the office.
Bruising and swelling will vary from person to person, but in general, they are minimal as compared to traditional rhinoplasty. If symptoms worsen on the second day following surgery it is normal, they will steadily improve thereafter.
Nasal stuffiness is the most annoying problem that you will face after surgery. This is normal and a result of expected swelling after surgery. Dr. Siegel will see you in the office the day after surgery to decongest and clean your nose to allow for immediate improvement. Residual stuffiness will improve 48-72 hrs after surgery.
Excess mucus on the nose, and possibly the throat is due to the splints inside the nose, which stimulate the nose to temporarily produce more mucus than is normal. This will resolve once the splints are removed (5 to 7 days after surgery).
Numbness in the tip of the nose, upper front teeth, or roof of the mouth following surgery is to be expected because of the septorhinoplasty surgery, which typically causes a temporary disruption of some of the nerves in the area.
Sensation will generally return slowly over several weeks and, rarely, months.
Some temporary decrease or alteration in the sense of smell or taste is typical after surgery. This is, again, secondary to the disruption of some nerves in the nose during surgery. These changes will begin to improve within the first 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure.
It’s really important to keep in mind that after your surgery, the swelling may make your nose look a bit broader and the tip more lifted and less refined than you might expect. You’ll likely notice that the swelling on the bridge of your nose reduces more quickly than that on the tip. But don’t worry, this is completely normal! The swelling will start to improve significantly in the first few weeks after your surgery, and while most swelling will go down within a few months, your nose will continue to refine and improve even after a year.
Call the office promptly if you notice any of the following:
- Development of a temperature elevation exceeding 101 degrees.
- A large amount of bleeding from the nose. Any significant re-injury of the nose.
- A significant progressive increase in pain which is not easily relieved by taking your
prescribed medication
If any of the above should occur after regular office hours, do not hesitate to reach Dr. Siegel directly on his cell phone at 832-265-1935. For whatever reason if you notice one of the above changes and cannot reach us at our office or through the answering service, present yourself to the emergency department for evaluation.
How do I care for myself after surgery?
Make arrangements to have someone drive you to, and from, your surgery.
Having someone stay with you on at least the first night after your surgery is highly recommended.
Be sure to fill your prescriptions before your surgery.
The day after your surgery, we will show you how to apply a small dab of either Vaseline® or
Aquaphor inside your nose and on the external incisions, if any, 3-4 times a day.
Arrive for your surgery in loose, comfortable clothing. Your top should button or zip rather than pull over your head.
Take the antibiotics and pain medication only as prescribed by the office.
Do not take any aspirin or any anti-inflammatory compounds for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your surgery.
If you are a smoker, you should not smoke for at least 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after surgery. Smoking and any tobacco products, including nicotine patches, inhibit your circulation and can significantly compromise your surgical outcome.
To minimize swelling, you may use cool, clean compresses or frozen corn in Ziploc bags wrapped in a dry cloth. You may apply these gently to your closed eyes four-to-six times a day for the first twenty four hours after surgery.
Sleep with the head elevated for the first week after surgery.
You should not blow your nose for four weeks after surgery as it can disrupt proper healing and cause bleeding. If you have to sneeze, sneeze with your mouth wide open, as this will minimize any disturbance within the nose.
If you plan to travel by airplane within a week of surgery, spray Afrin (or generic equivalent) 20-60 minutes before departure. Do not use Afrin more than twice, as there is a high risk of addiction to this medication.
Usually, your surgeon will use dissolvable sutures inside the nose which will disappear on their own within a few weeks. Any external sutures should be kept clean and dry. If non-dissolvable sutures are used on external incisions, they will be removed within 5-to-7 days after surgery (at the time of splint removal).
You should not do vigorous exercise and should avoid any significant physical exertion, lifting, or straining for a minimum of 3 weeks after your surgery, as this activity could disrupt your wound healing and cause bleeding. Plan on taking it easy. Although your nose will not feel painful while healing, it is still susceptible to injury. Be careful not to bump it or squeeze it. Do not apply any pressure to your nose for a few months after surgery. Avoid facials, or any other treatments that manipulate the nose for at least 6 months after surgery. Be aware that the most common sources of inadvertent injury to your nose after surgery are children and pets.
Recovery timetable
Approximate recovery after rhinoplasty is as follows:
DAY 0 Return home. Use cool compresses for 24 hours. Some swelling and bruising, mild discomfort. Change mustache dressing as needed.
DAY 1 Follow up in the office for routine cleaning.
DAY 2-3 Maximum bruising and swelling. Nasal stuffiness starts resolving.
DAYS 5-14 If external stitches are present, they will be removed. External and internal splints are removed, and mucous decreases. Breathing significantly improved.
MONTH 2, 6, and 12 Routine follow-up.
REMEMBER: If you have any concerns or questions, please contact our office at any time. Our office should be a source of information and reassurance throughout the entire period from the time of your first consultation and continuing after your surgery.
After Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Call the office on 832-358-3223.