Ever since the first laser was created in 1960, the technology has progressed in leaps and bounds. Though many of its most “cutting edge” applications were long confined to the realm of sci-fi spaceships, its extraordinary development during the past half-century has made it an extremely useful tool in the medical field. Far from being merely the destructive weapons of warfare imagined by George Lucas, modern-day lasers have the capacity to dramatically improve people’s lives.
A Very Brief History of Medical Lasers
The first use of a medical laser was in 1961, when an American ophthalmologist used one to destroy a retinal tumor. Beginning in the late 1980s, more advanced lasers began to be used by plastic surgeons in the treatment of strawberry marks and port wine stains on children. Before long, they were being used to assist with tattoo removal. It’s difficult to overstate what an impact the technology had on cosmetic surgery. Safe, specialized lasers could now provide consistently effective laser resurfacing—allowing for a degree of finesse not possible with surgery on its own.
In recent years, research has focused on the use of lasers in hair removal, vision correction, and highly detailed skin resurfacing.
Cosmetic Lasers Today
Now that we’re well into the twenty-first century, cosmetic laser technology is considerably more advanced than it was in the early days. Lasers such as the Lumenis CO2 Ultrapulse (favored by Dr. Siegel) can provide effective scar removal and skin resurfacing. By stimulating collagen, it essentially vaporizes superficial facial scars and reduces the visibility of deeper scars over time. It can also help conceal other blemishes such as liver spots or signs of sun damage.
Best of all (arguably!) is the laser’s ability to deal with lines and wrinkles. The degree of control offered by a laser is often superior to other treatments such as chemical peels, and in the hands of an experienced facial plastic surgeon, the improvement in the appearance of both deep and superficial wrinkles can be vast. For helping patients achieve a more youthful and radiant look, lasers are an essential part of any self-respecting plastic surgeon’s arsenal.
The Lumenis LightSheer Duet—another laser that achieves consistently great results—is more oriented towards hair removal. Quick, pain-free, and effective, the laser can help deal with overgrown eyebrows and unwanted “mustache” or chin hair. Even large patches of leg hair can be dealt with in as few as fifteen minutes. Many patients find this long-lasting solution to be much more convenient than regular shaving, waxing or tweezing.
As with any serious cosmetic procedure, it’s vital that you seek out a doctor who is specialized in the field relevant to your needs. Dr. Siegel is a specialistfacial plastic surgeon, with considerable experience in the use of lasers. To find out more about how they work and what sort of results they can give you, make an appointment with him today!