As we enter the depths of yet another summer, our skin can remind us all too vividly of the summers we’ve enjoyed in the past. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of prematurely aged skin, and the unappealing spots and wrinkles that come with it. But never fear: there are a range of cosmetic treatments which can counter the effects of sun damage, restoring your skin to its youthful best.
The Best Treatments For Sun Damage
Unfortunately, store-bought cosmetic products tend to make little difference to the appearance of our skin. The best methods of improvement usually require administration by a qualified plastic surgeon. Here are some of the most effective:
- Chemical Peels – Light chemical peels can be bought in stores or administered in health spas, but these are usually too superficial to make any lasting difference. By contrast, medium or deep chemical peels can have an astounding impact, rejuvenating the skin and reducing the visibility of wrinkles. The only downside is that to achieve their effects, these acid peels essentially “burn” your skin, sometimes resulting in complications as well as an extended recovery time.To solve this dilemma, Dr. Siegel worked with a small pharmaceutical company to produce the only acid-free peel. These peels achieve excellent results, but without the burning aspect which is responsible for the troublesome side-effects and prolonged downtime of other chemical peels.
- Laser Resurfacing – Also known as “laser peels,” laser resurfacing is another great technique for softening the blemishes and wrinkles that come with too much sun exposure. Recent developments in laser technology allow for very precise treatment with a relatively short recovery time, particularly when the procedure is performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon.
- Photofacials – The photofacial—or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) as the technique is officially known—involves the application of a specific type of light to your skin. This light is not a laser, so it can target problem areas such as wrinkles and discolorations without causing the side-effects or recovery time associated with chemical or laser peels. It usually takes 4–6 30-minute sessions to see full results, but photofacials can be a great option for people who want to keep their cosmetic treatment relatively under the radar.
- Vampire Facials – Last but not least, the vampire facial is another excellent choice for people who want a minimally invasive treatment with a speedy recovery time. A small amount of your blood is taken from your arm, and the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) component is separated from the rest. This PRP contains growth factors which, amazingly, can be injected into your skin to stimulate production of elastin and collagen. These proteins are partly responsible for the youthful, elastic appearance of your skin, and their degradation over the years makes your skin look older. By replenishing them, you can essentially turn back the clock and get rid of some of the worst signs of sun damage.
Dr. Siegel is a facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in the procedures described above. To find out more about how to deal with your sun-damaged skin, make an appointment with him today!