
Causes of Flared Nostrils After a Rhinoplasty

Causes of Flared Nostrils After a Rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated and delicate procedures in plastic surgery. A surgeon must carefully manipulate bone, cartilage, and skin, all while providing the patient with a desirable shape and natural-looking appearance that suits their...

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Effect of cosmetic surgery on aging naturally

Effect of cosmetic surgery on aging naturally

Whether you’re in your 20s or your 60s when you undergo cosmetic surgery, you may be wondering what’s in store for your future. One of the goals of cosmetic surgery is usually to make you look more youthful – so many patients want to know: how will this affect my...

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Variations of facelift techniques

Variations of facelift techniques

One of the many misconceptions about facelift surgery is that it’s a pre-determined, standard surgery that makes your skin “tighter.” Although one of the goals is usually to correct sagging skin and muscle, a tightened appearance isn’t always desirable – and often...

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Is your neck making you look older?

Many people spend their lives applying the finest skin creams and products to their face – only to leave their neck high and dry. In addition, gravity has an impact on the neck’s skin, muscles, and fat, often causing it to lose its taut, smooth appearance. This can...

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The right way to remove or diminish facial scars

If you suffer from facial scarring, you know the emotional toll it can take. Trying to cover it with makeup is often a daily battle. Not to mention, many people are given false promises that a scar can be erased with exfoliation, microdermabrasion, or similar...

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When is the best time for facial plastic surgery?

Deciding to get plastic surgery takes a lot of thought. You may already be researching plastic surgeons to ensure you’re getting an experienced, board-certified expert in facial procedures. Choosing your surgeon is arguably the most important part of the process. But,...

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A Chemical Peel without the Pain

Dull skin, wrinkles, and discoloration are common problems, and they can make a face look older and “tired.” Perhaps you’ve considered a chemical peel to correct these issues, but didn’t like the idea of the “burning” and pain involved – or the recovery time needed....

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4 Reasons Laser Hair Removal is Amazing

Women and men alike go through a lot of trouble to get smooth, hair-free skin. Painful waxing sessions, continuous plucking, messy creams, and tedious shaving rituals are part of life for many who deal with unwanted hair. Unfortunately, every one of them is just a...

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