
Which Day After Rhinoplasty Is The Worst?
Which Day After Rhinoplasty Is The Worst? After your rhinoplasty, some recovery days will be worse than others. From the earliest steps to the final part of the healing process, you will face occasional challenges as you get used to your new and gradually...

Natural Ways to Speed up Healing After a Facelift
Natural Ways to Speed up Healing After a Facelift The after-effects of facial plastic surgery seem counter-productive to the surgery itself. The swelling and bruising that often follows a plastic surgery are a natural result of the body’s healing...

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation
Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation “Chin up…”, “I took it on the chin…” You have probably heard sayings that mention the chin, but what if the size, shape, or projection of your chin makes you feel unhappy? Chin augmentation can be life-changing! You have two...

Blepharoplasty Timeline
Blepharoplasty Timeline When you are under the care of Dr. Siegel, many actions go into ensuring your health and safety leading up to, during, and after your Houston eyelid surgery. Understanding the blepharoplasty timeline can help you feel confident that you...

How Often Should I Get PRP Injections?
How Often Should I Get PRP Injections? PRP injections are a non-invasive method of using your body’s regenerative processes to rejuvenate your skin. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a liquid with a high concentration of platelets, a type of blood cell that promotes...

What are the Different Kinds of Facelifts and What are the Differences?
What are the Different Kinds of Facelifts and What are the Differences? The face is a complex part of your body and has 43 different muscles. There are many delicate and vital structures that function together to create facial motions. A custom facelift should never...

Do Ears Move After Otoplasty?
Do Ears Move After Otoplasty? Otoplasty, or ear reshaping surgery, is the right surgery for those who feel embarrassed or worried about the appearance of their ears, whether to large, protruding, or uneven. One concern we hear is regarding whether the ears will move...
Can Dermal Fillers Correct a Crooked Nose?
Can Dermal Fillers Correct a Crooked Nose? If you have a crooked nose, Dr. Michel Siegel, MD, offers a non-surgical option: dermal filler injections. Dr. Siegel’s reputation as Houston’s “face go-to guy” means that in a short office visit a crooked nose could be...
Healthy Expectations for Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery can be an amazing and life-changing experience for many people. Some people were born with features they don’t like, while others may find that they aren’t satisfied with the toll time has taken on their face. If you’re considering cosmetic surgery,...
Great Reasons for Rhinoplasty
Any experienced plastic surgeon will tell you that cosmetic surgery isn’t always about vanity. Take rhinoplasty, for example. Although many people believe getting a “nose job” is simply about getting that perfect nose, often times this isn’t the case at all....