Blepharoplasty Timeline
When you are under the care of Dr. Siegel, many actions go into ensuring your health and safety leading up to, during, and after your Houston eyelid surgery. Understanding the blepharoplasty timeline can help you feel confident that you will achieve the results you envision. The timeline for eyelid surgery involves the following steps:
- Consultation
- Lab testing and a medical evaluation
- Pre-surgery preparation which may include a change to your medications or supplements for a period leading up to surgery
- The procedure
- Post-surgery care and recovery
- Full results develop and become visible
The consultation
The consultation for your blepharoplasty in Houston is the best time to ask any questions that you may have about the surgery or express your concerns. During the consultation, Dr. Siegel will review your medical history and the medications or supplements that you are currently taking, whether you smoke, and questions about alcohol and drug use. He will also discuss the type of anesthesia to be used and any risks associated with the procedure. The consultation is an essential part of the process of undergoing eyelid surgery.
Preparing for surgery
After your consultation for eyelid surgery in Houston, there will be some steps that you will need to take to ensure that your treatment goes smoothly. Some of the preliminary steps include:
- Lab testing or a medical evaluation
- Quitting smoking and abstaining from alcohol
- Altering your current medications
- Avoiding medications or supplements that could interfere with the success of the procedure such as anti-inflammatories or blood-thinning medications
- A plan for your recovery period which includes time off work and arranging a friend or family member to take you home after surgery and provide assistance on the first day or two
What to expect during the procedure?
The blepharoplasty procedure takes one to two hours and includes the following steps:
- Administration of anesthesia
- Incisions are placed where they are naturally less noticeable, such as the crease of the upper eyelid or within the lower lid.
- Skin or fat may be removed, and loose muscles tightened if needed
- Incisions are closed
- Protective bandages are placed
- You are released to return home to recover
Post-surgery care
After the surgery, you will be prescribed pain medication to alleviate any discomfort that you may experience during the early stages of recovery. You will be given some aftercare instructions to follow which will include:
- Resting with your head elevated
- Avoid bending down or lowering your head
- Drink plenty of water and go for short, gentle walks
- Keep your incision sites clean
- Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for a specified period after surgery
- Avoid makeup around your eyes
- Protect your eyes from the sun by wearing hats and protective sunglasses
The recovery period
After two weeks, much of the bruising and swelling will have disappeared, and you will feel ready to go out and show off your fresh, rejuvenated look! The results will continue to improve in the days and weeks ahead. You will have post-surgery appointments with Dr. Siegel to monitor your progress and ensure it is proceeding as it should.