Though facelifts get a lot of attention these days, your neck also has a huge impact on your overall appearance. An otherwise youthful face can be aged considerably by a sagging, jowly neck. And sometimes even very fit or slender people can find it difficult to get...
Michel Siegel

Can You Change Your Nose Without Surgery?
Sometimes we want to improve our appearance without committing to anything too invasive or difficult to reverse. Fortunately, in the case of rhinoplasty, there is an effective and nonsurgical method of enhancing the shape of your nose. Let’s take a look at...
What Does a Facelift Procedure Consist of?
Facelifts are among the top five most popular cosmetic procedures in the U.S.—and for good reason. Performed by a skilled facial plastic surgeon, they can make a dramatic improvement to your appearance. If you’re considering getting one, however, you’ll soon realize...

Learn How Lip Augmentation Works
Why Get a Lip Augmentation? Some people are drawn to lip augmentation because they dislike the current appearance of their lips—whether because they’re thin, asymmetrical, or problematic in some other way. This group often simply hopes for a...
How Long Is a Rhinoplasty Operation?
One of the most common questions plastic surgeons get asked before a rhinoplasty operation is how long the surgery will take. It’s actually quite difficult to give a straightforward answer to this question, as surgery times depend on the patient, the complexity...
What Are The Different Types of Nose Jobs?
In much the same way as not all noses are alike, not all rhinoplasty is alike either. There are many different kinds of nose job out there, catering to the varied needs of each individual. In this post, we’ll fill you in on the main types of procedure you...
Risks of Choosing a Cheap Plastic Surgeon in the US
When you first start to consider plastic surgery, the price tag of some procedures can be a bit off-putting. As with any type of surgery, the equipment and expertise required to get the best results don’t necessarily come cheaply: in some cases you’re...

Springtime Skin Refresher: Rejuvenate Winter Dryness
Spring is finally here, and with it comes a new opportunity to rejuvenate our skin after the damaging effects of chronic colder weather. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways to recover from nasty winter dryness! Why Does Cold Weather Cause...
Financing Plastic Surgery: Do’s & Don’ts
Plastic surgery often involves fairly large lump payments, which can be off-putting. But did you know that there are actually some very reasonable financing options out there? Although these can be extremely helpful, especially when you’re signing up...
How Long Do The Effects of Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Last?
So you’d like to make some improvements to your nose, but you’re not quite ready to commit to full-blown surgery? Fortunately, there’s another option out there. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty allows you to have a “test run” before trying something more...